The thing I love about being a Limelife Planner gal more than anything else is all of the options there are! Starting on July 1, you'll have your choice of four different planner sizes.
You read that right - FOUR SIZES. They are: personal, A5, 7x9, and 8.5x11. Each will come with tabs and your choice of monthly or weekly configurations and add-ons. Traditional insert sizes are personal and A5 while traditional coiled sizes are 7x9 and 8.5x11. But, you aren't bound to a coil if you don't want one!

Using a binder system can add another dimension to the flexibility of your Limelife Planner, but how do you know which one will work? I scoured the internet and put together a table of the different binder brands and which Limelife pages will fit with each. Not every binder brand calls their binder sizes by the same name, so it can be confusing.

Remember that 7x9 pages will fit in many A5 binders but check the dimensions to be sure. Some brands may have overhang while others are fine.
A few key takeaways:
1) You have options! Limelife Inserts or Planner Pages can be ordered to fit any binder. Everyone plans differently, so unbound and unpunched is ALWAYS on the menu in any size!
2) The traditional spiral bound 7x9 planner has 36 holes so if you are wondering if that Existing Company's removable covers will fit, count the holes. The traditional 8.5x11 coiled planner has 44 holes.
If you're confused about what and how to order:
Don't worry - I feel you. Sometimes options = analysis paralysis. I am working on another blog post on this very topic. However, in the meantime, it helps me to think about things this way. First, decide on a planner size. Then, decide on monthly or weekly. If weekly, decide on a layout (personal and 8.5x11 layout descriptions will be coming soon). And finally, think about any add-ons you may want.
Are you as excited as I am? I'm so intrigued by personal sized inserts since they would easily fit in my purse for quick grocery lists. I had never seen them before this year and now they're all the rage! What's your favorite binder?

This guest blog post was written by Amanda Cahill, mom, friend, and Limelife Planners supporter. Please share and repost this blog entry with your friends! All we ask is that you give credit to Limelife Planners and the post author.