Today I wanted to share with you an exciting new digital download offered by Limelife Planners. It's a set of 12-month Monthly Forecast pages that you can add into your planner using the acrylic pocket, or by creating your own pocket (like I did!). The Monthly Forecast features a spot for a Top 10 list and several different task & goal categories. This digital download has given me a place to write more detailed monthly goals and tasks into my monthly pages.
Here you can see I have a fully filled out page that I've placed between my month on two pages. I can easily flip it between the pages so I can see both sides of the month. I can refer to the Monthly Forecast when planning each week and see what has been done and what needs done. I love having a spot where I can write more lengthy goals. If you're anything like me, you need more than the side column in your month on two page spread.
Each Monthly Forecast is designed to match the color scheme of the current month. We're in August and the Monthly Forecast is a beautiful blue that corresponds with the August tabs and text. As someone who decorates every page of her planner, this also helps me easily pick my color scheme for the month pages. In my blog post "Documenting Memories In Your Planner," I tell you how to add in your own removable pockets. I made one for each month for my Monthly Forecasts and will be leaving them in my planner permanently for reference. I like the idea of being able to look back at the end of the year and see what all I accomplished (or didn't, ahah).
This month is a particularly busy month for me. Actually, I'm sure August is busy for most parents! My son is going into his senior year of high school in a week. Not only is it his birthday month but he started driving this month, he started his first job, and had his last ever band camp for high school. All very big "firsts and lasts" in his life that I've documented in my monthly forecast "Important Events."
Once again, Limelife has amazed me with an amazing product that will help me be as productive as possible. I'm not sure how I survived before I had the current planner setup that I have now. The Monthly Forecast Digital Download is available for only $5. You'll definitely want to buy the set for yourself now that the Limelife Shop has opened back up!
This blog post was written by Emilee Adams for the Limelife Planners Media & Creative Team. For more information about Emilee visit her blog at Please share and repost this blog entry with your friends! All we ask is that you give credit to Limelife Planners and the post author.