Like many of you (well, probably all of you), I wear many hats. If I had to chose one thing that I ‘do’, it would be stay-at-home-mom. That’s the thing that uses most of my time and resources, and the thing that is most important to me. I would (and do!) need a planner to keep me organized and moving if that was the ONLY hat I wore, but like everyone else in the world, I have more going on in my life than my sweet kiddos.
In addition to my role as Domestic Goddess Extraordinaire, I run a (super small!) photography business, I work as a consultant for a research group, and I volunteer my time with the teenage youth at our church. These things keep me hopping, and I’ve found a pretty simple way to make sure I have everything organized.
The Notes section of my Limelife Planner* has been a lifesaver. When I prep for my research work, I take a handful of notes that I refer to while I’m at the library. I’ve found that by jotting them down in the Notes section of my planner, I always have them with me, and I can head to the library when I’m out and about if needed. I always have my planner on me, so no need to worry about forgetting what I need. When I submit my reports, I can just flip back to my notes, and I have all of the information I’ve collected.
As part of my responsibilities at church, I’m often in meetings where I want to take notes or write down inspiration. I love that I always have those notes with me, so I can reflect upon them or share them with other leaders. If I’m preparing a lesson or devotional, I can quickly refer to the notes I’ve taken over the past few weeks.
While I generally get a little crazy when my children get their dirty mitts on my planner, I do use the Notes section to keep them entertained from time to time. My daughter is VERY into writing notes these days, so a little back-and-forth penmanship can keep her busy for quite awhile. My 3-year-old son is pretty happy to draw me a framer if he gets bored when we’re waiting somewhere. While I don’t love that these activities use a precious piece of paper, I do love that it keeps them smiling. And they love that they get to play with mom’s golden book.
Limelife planners are all fully customizable, which makes it easy to bulk up the Notes section of your planner. I love how easy it is to create a planner that really works for how I organize my life. I’ve also used the Notes section to organize my kiddo’s birthday parties, take notes at a PTO meeting, or make a quick grocery list for my husband. I just have to slip my planner in my bag, and I know that I have everything I need for whatever the day has in store.
* The planner pictured is the 2014/2015 Limelife Planner.
This blog post was written by Abbey Niebel for the Limelife Planners Media & Creative Team. For more information about Abbey connect with her on Instagram: @mrsniebel. Please share and repost this blog entry with your friends! All we ask is that you give credit to Limelife Planners and the post author.