My favorite part about using a planner is using sticky notes. I have a small collection of them and they are helpful in so many ways! I love to use them to write down things to add to my planner in future weeks, and since I’m writing it on a sticky note, I can move it around and not commit to writing it in pen right away.
I use sticky notes for future appointments, for meal planning, for laying out a week in my planner, for just about anything!

I use small tab sticky notes to plan out meals in the monthly layout in my planner. That way I can move them around and change them if needed. Once I have the meal plan set in stone, I write the meals down in pen. I also save the sticky notes to use for the next month’s meal planning, so that I don’t waste paper, and also so that I know what meals my family likes best.

I keep a small stash of sticky notes in the pockets of the binder I use that holds my Limelife Planner. I have the “unbound and unpunched” version of the Limelife Planner, and I chose to put it inside a Kikki K ring binder system. That way I can add my own pages and add things like journaling cards to make my planner unique.

Here is an example of how a dashboard works. Any laminated or smooth-covered piece of card stock will work, and you can clip it in to your planner with binder clips.
Sticky notes are very versatile for planning and can be purchased from many different places. Happy Sticking!
This blog post was written by Nicole Ferland for the Limelife Planners Media & Creative Team. Please do not repost this blog entry without permission from Limelife Planners. For more information about Nicole and her Etsy shop, you can find her at @thealexstudio on Instagram.