If you spend any amount of time on Pinterest (or Etsy for that matter), you'll notice an overwhelming number of links for free printable planners, or shops with printable planners for sale. In an effort to make sure that we are keeping our prices comparable, we wanted to take some time to do the math and see just how much cheaper printable planners really are.
We wanted an 'apples to apples' price comparison, so we just used the number of pages that come in a Limelife Planner. Some online printables have more or less pages than our planner, so it's important to keep that in mind. For our purposes we are basing this off of the following planner:
- Basic Planner (60 double-sided pages)
- Standard Weekly Pages Add-On (70 double-sided pages)
- Laminated front and back cover (2 double-sided pages + lamination)
- Coil (we use a sturdier aluminum coil, but the 'Big Box' office supply stores don't readily have this option; they use plastic coils in standard colors.)
We also based our prices off what Staples would charge to have this printed. They charge .98 per double-sided color copy (which includes the paper price).
Drumroll please.......

By purchasing a pre-printed/laminated/punched/coiled planner from Limelife you could save roughly $79.70 than if you were to print it yourself. Now, of course, you might have a local printer that charges you less than .98 cents per double-sided copy, or you might have fewer pages in your printable file, etc. which would impact the price of printing yourself.
It's also important to note that you want a planner that works for your life! If you find a printable that is exactly what you need, it might be worth spending the extra money (and time) to print yourself.
We are really happy with the results of this comparison! We know that we're giving our customers a great product for a great price - especially since we have free shipping on all US orders.
Happy Planner Shopping!