Hello Planner Friends! Let’s talk about the note pages in our Limelife Planners! One of the many wonderful things about our beloved Limelife Planners is the amount of note pages we have! We have so many note pages, that we can get crazy creative with them. Today’s blog post was inspired by all the amazing bullet journalers out there and the super creative layouts they do, but using our note pages and incorporating them into our planners. I have learned bullet journaling is not my strength. I am terrible at measuring, drawing straight lines and making sure everything is equal and same sized. I’m sure if I practiced I would get better, but I really appreciate how bullet journalers are able to create their layouts. So this is very loosely inspired by bullet journaling, and I will go as far to say, is in no way even near actual bullet journaling. But I think that this is one of the best parts about using planners and sharing our ideas. We see something that inspires us and catches our eye, and we figure out how to make it work for our lives, we put our twist on it.
For this project I used two note pages to create a chore/cleaning chart with daily, weekly and monthly sections. I wanted to use copic glitter pens to color my cleaning icons, and those will bleed through paper, including cardstock, so that is why I used two note pages here. I started out by choosing mermaid themed washi tapes to decorate my pages and stamped out my headers.You could also hand write your headers in if you don’t have stamps. I love beautiful lettering, but that is still a work in progress for me so I went with stamps.
Next I used pencil to write in my sections and measure and mark off where I wanted to make my lines. I used a stencil from the office supply store as my straight edge and black pen to draw in my lines.

After my boxes were drawn in, I used cute cleaning icon stamps to label my sections and left lots of room for additional notes I might want to write in when needed.
I love to color and typically use soft core colored pencils. I have copic glitter pens that I use to accent and add detail with, but only use them on sticker paper because they bleed through everything! But here I used them to color my icons since I am not worried about what shows up on the back of my pages (I will show you why in a bit). I did use my pencils to color my lettering because I wanted a watery look and needed to be able to blend the colors to make them soft.
After coloring I wrote in labels and days of the week in the boxes and added washi tape to the edges of my pages. Next I put the pages back to back so I could laminate them, which means this project is reusable! This is also why I didn’t care about my pens bleeding through the paper. Using a wet erase marker, I can check things off, write notes in, and a cleaning supply shopping list, and only a damp paper towel is needed to to clean the marker off and it’s like brand new again. That’s why I went all out with making it cute and decorating and coloring it. This will have a permanent home in my planner to keep me on track with what I need to get done around the house and I won’t have to clog up my weekly pages with cleaning lists.
I marked holes in my laminated cleaning schedule with a wet erase marker and hole punched it and then added an adhesive tab to the edge of the page so this will be easy to find in my planner and just flip to quickly. A helpful tip for using wet erase marker in our planners….it can rub off on pages. So if you do plan to use something like this in your planner, find a home for it where a little smudged ink transfer won’t make a huge difference. Mine is going in the back of my planner between a divider for my notes section and old notes pages from a previous planner. I hope that you enjoyed this planner project and I was able to provide you with some ideas about how to use our note pages. I know I have a running list of projects I want to try out with them! Thank you for stopping by and checking out the blog! See you soon!